Welcome! This is my journey through life.  I make daily efforts to make sure I am being the best version of myself and living the best version of my life.  Some days are great successes, and some days are a struggle.  My history with depression and anxiety will not hold me back from living a happy and full life. Read on for more info., and enjoy :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy Weekend Folks *

Well, it's Sunday evening now, and I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  I know I did!

Friday night I finished up the work week by hitting the gym for a good, strong work-out (which felt fabulous), then went to watch my brother play hockey.  He is part of a beer league in the city we live in, and I really enjoy going to watch him play!  
Going to his hockey games now, reminds me of when I was a little girl.  My dad used to coach his hockey team, and so my mom and I would always be in the stands cheering them on.  Since I was quite young, one of my favorite parts about going to the games was getting the hot chocolate out of the vending machine because it was extra chocolatey!

Saturday morning I woke up pretty early to attempt my very first spin class!  I was pretty nervous about going because I had never been before, and everyone who I spoke to always said they were very intense!  They were not lying!!  It was certainly an intense work out, but an amazing one!  It was great, low impact cardio, and on top of that we ended up doing a form of push ups and squats while on the spin bike!

After the fabulous work out, I went home and made a protein filled smoothie, and enjoyed catching up with a friend over coffee. 
It was a pretty rainy day, but by mid-afternoon the rain started to clear and I was off to a provincial campground to celebrate my cousins birthday!  It was such a lovely way to enjoy the afternoon.  Being outside, enjoying good company, smelling the campfire smell, eating food cooked on the BBQ... man oh man it was great!
By the evening I was off to visit with my dad, and we cozied in for the night with a fire, and a movie!  Even though the weather had cleared, it was definitely a cold night!

The movie we watched was Redemption, the new Jason Statham movie.  FYI - I am a huge Jason Statham fan!  It was definitely a different film than his usuals, but I still enjoyed it!  If you are going to watch it, be aware that it is not the typical action movie that you may used to be seeing him in!

Sunday was a lovely and relaxing day... Well, when I say relaxing I really just mean lazy, because I was watching football all day and that is not really relaxing... it can be quite stressful!
This year I joined a fantasy football pool (which I`ve never done before) with my brother, sister-in-law, and Dad.  You would think I would have joined a fantasy hockey pool because I know more about hockey and watch more of it.  So, it has been an interesting experience and definitely amps up my interest for football.  All of a sudden I am right in to the games!  I had some magazine time (which I always love!), and cooked a delicious chick pea & quinoa soup for lunches this week...

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