Welcome! This is my journey through life.  I make daily efforts to make sure I am being the best version of myself and living the best version of my life.  Some days are great successes, and some days are a struggle.  My history with depression and anxiety will not hold me back from living a happy and full life. Read on for more info., and enjoy :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


My oh my!
I can't believe I have gone more than a week without posting!  Bad girl, so negligent of me!!  I'm sorry...

What's been occupying all my time you may wonder?

Well, let's see what I got up to this weekend..

Friday I went and stayed with my Dad and we usually like to watch a good ole action or shoot em' up movie together.  Lately it had seemed like we had seen them all so we ended up rolling the dice on one called The Losers, but not having the highest of expectations. 
Well, I'm not going to say it was the best movie ever, but, we sure enjoyed it!  For any movie lovers who like a classic action, with great characters and humor, I would highly suggest this movie!!  Super great!!

Saturday morning I drove to Tofino to have a visit with a lovely friend from way back in high school.  It was quite a lovely visit indeed!  We went for a beautiful beach walk, made a delicious pizza dinner, painted pumpkins, and watched a movie, among having a loooootttt of catching up to do!

Sunday, we went for a bit of a hike, before I hit the room.  Then guess what I did... Watched football, Of course!! 
I didn't do too bad with my picks this week, only 1 point behind the leader!  

I have also been spending a lot of time at the gym.  Going to the gym seems to be the greatest therapy for me.  Physically I am releasing so much stress and anger, mentally I am gaining a lot of endorphins to keep my positive attitude in check, and emotionally it keeps me strong and resilient. 

Lately my gym routine has been a solid hour and 15 minutes.  I like to start with 15 minutes of cardio on the elliptical, work on my arms, abs, and legs, followed by 15 minutes on the bike.  Plus, stretching.  It's good to finish your workout with non-static stretching... and feels so good!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as well - I will work at doing a better job of posting on a more regular basis.

Watch for some upcoming posts about my Halloween costume... how exciting!!

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