Welcome! This is my journey through life.  I make daily efforts to make sure I am being the best version of myself and living the best version of my life.  Some days are great successes, and some days are a struggle.  My history with depression and anxiety will not hold me back from living a happy and full life. Read on for more info., and enjoy :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lunch Break!

Lunch time is my 2nd favorite part of my work day (obviously, 1st favorite is quittin' time!)
Today for lunch I had a cold plate...
Cold plates are kind of special to me, because I remember when I was a little girl my Momma used to make them for me all of the time =)  Brings me back to those wonderful memories ♥
Here is a peak of what I had
I had sliced cucember, sliced orange pepper, grape tomatoes (mmm my favorite ♥), sliced partly-skimmed cheddar cheese, and two hard boiled eggs!
I try and make a conscious effort to make sure I am always eating vegetables and getting my protein out of each meal.  I don't eat a lot of meat, and so it is important for me to make sure I am substituing that protein some how.
If you ever are in a hurry to get goin' in the morning and haven't packed a lunch, here's a delicious, healthy, quick meal =)

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