Welcome! This is my journey through life.  I make daily efforts to make sure I am being the best version of myself and living the best version of my life.  Some days are great successes, and some days are a struggle.  My history with depression and anxiety will not hold me back from living a happy and full life. Read on for more info., and enjoy :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

h a p p y . m o n d a y *

Happy Monday everyone!

Mondays are usually the hardest day for me (well, not many people I know love Mondays!).  One of the reasons that Monday's are extra-challenging for me is because I don't have to work until 12 PM.  With my depression, I find it very difficult to be alone in the morning when everyone is out and about.  Often times I will sleep in more than usual, I will feel like I don't have enough time to leave the house so I will stick around and that just makes me feel lonely, unproductive, and lazy.  These feelings are awful to have if you struggle with depression.  

This morning I woke up and had a nice cup of coffee while I worked on my husband and I's budget plan (more to come on that..!).  After that, I took our little fur baby to the dog park (where I thoroughly enjoyed the fresh air and watching her play), stopped at the bank on the way home (to complete the budgeting from earlier), and then enjoyed a lovely phone conversation with my Papa Bear :)

Further, I enjoyed getting a little creative in the kitchen today...

This mornings green smoothie (mango, banana, spinach, avocado, chia seeds, almond milk, topped w/ crushed walnuts) and my little fur baby ♥

This afternoons apple with all natural peanut butter, and my chickpea "egg salad" sandwich (toast w/ chickpeas, mustard, chopped pickles and red pepper)

This evenings ceasar salad, complete with fresh made croutons, and homemade ceasar dressing (1 cup raw cashews, 1 cup non-dairy milk, 2 tsp dijon, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 3 cloves garlic, salt & pepper to taste)
I have been an on-and-off vegetarian since I was about thirteen years old.  Lately, I have been paying much more attention to my vegetarianism as I am considering and hopefully going to transition into being more of a vegan.  I will make a post another day about my reasons for this decision, but let it be clear that I am not a preacher about it, I will certainly not be in your face about it.

Hope you all had a lovely Monday! Although it may not be our favorite day of the week, it is the day that sets our week up for success! 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

l o n g . t i m e , n o . p o s t *

Well, it has definitely been some time since my last post.  Looks like about two years - yikes!  Not that this really goes out to anyone.
Well after much time, a lot has happened.  Let's see... I moved to a new city, got a puppy, got engaged, got married, and now we are on route to buy a house, and start out own little family.

Since life has settled more, I am excited to begin my blogging adventure again!

Moving cities was a very hard adjustment for me.  I have always been the type of person to appreciate and enjoy living within my comfort zone.  Moving so far away from my home was exciting (a fresh start!) and scary!  The reason I moved was because the love of my life waltzed right back into my life and I was ready for a new adventure - so why not?  

The first while was very difficult for me.  Although I enjoyed having new adventures, I really missed my comforts of home (my family, my friends, knowing where to go, etc.).  Because of being an ultra-sensitive being, the struggles I felt were magnified and it was rather debilitating.  To top it off, I was lucky enough to find a job right away, yet unlucky enough to have a prick of a boss.

Now that I have lived here for a year and a half, I am very happy.  I love that there is still so much here to explore.  I have made friends and continue meeting people.  I love seeing my husband (eeek, yes husband ♥) enjoy life.  I love my friendships in this city and back home.  I love having my husband's family here.  Most of all, I love my little family - my husband, my fuzzy little fur baby, and me - living merrily and playfully in our little rental suite.

It is key for me to wake up and be grateful for the blessings in my life.  I love taking a few moments to remember how lucky I am.  Although my mental health may not always allow me to feel excited and joyful, I make a point to recognize all the reasons I have to be excited and joyful.  Just this simple step each day really helps manage my mental health.

So here is to continuing this blogging journal which I so poorly began.  Sure, I may not making a living with this and blog every day, but I hope to post regularly sharing the joys of my life which I purposefully place to live the best version of life possible.

~camping ~ summer ~ 2015 ~ 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Musical Love ♫

I enjoy listening to all sorts of music, as I'm sure many others do too.

Here is a list of my current favorite songs, I hope you find one you enjoy too!

Imagine Dragons - Amsterdam

Imagine Dragons - Demons

Mariah Carey - Beautiful

Mine Would Be You - Blake Shelton
Ryan Lewis & Macklemore - White Walls

Colbie Caillat - What I Wanted To Say

Serena Ryder - What I Wouldn't Do

Saturday, October 12, 2013

~ Hallow's Eve ~

Well, it's not Halloween quite yet, but tis' the season!
I love all of the holidays that people can really thrive in - my favorite is definitely Christmas - but I love Halloween as well.
So, one of many ways to celebrate/get in the spirit is by watching Halloween movies!  Now, any one who knows me knows that A) I do not like scary movies; and B) I love family/kids movies! 
Here is a selection of some great "Halloween" movies that are not going to scare your pants off you, but get you in the Halloween spirit!!
~ The Addams Family ~ 
(total classic!)
~ Casper ~
(the "real" one with Christina Ricci)
~ Hotel Transylvania ~
~ Nightmare Before Christmas ~
~ Edward Scissor Hands ~
~ Beetlejuice ~
~ The Corpse Bride ~
~ Hocus Pocus ~
~ Sleepy Hollow ~
~ Monster House ~
~ Alice in Wonderland ~
~ Frankenweenie ~
~ Bed knobs & Broomsticks ~
~ The Goonies ~
~ Harry Potter ~
~ The Haunted Mansion ~
~ The Wizard of Oz ~
I hope you enjoy the movie list... And Happy Hallow's Eve in advance!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Money Doesn't Buy Happiness" ....or does it?

Food for thought - Does money buy happiness?

People often use the quote "money doesn't buy happiness" as a way to remind others that you don't need to be rich in order to be happy, and that being rich doesn't mean you are happy.

I was raised in a household with little money.  That being said, my parents owned their house, owned their vehicles, enrolled my brother and I in extra-curricular activities, had a fridge with food, etc. The little money part mostly dictated what food we put in the fridge (the cheaper kind), what kind of apparel we got for our activities (the cheaper kind), and what our family did for fun...

Now I just want to clarify here, we were not deprived in my opinion.  We had a wonderful life growing up, but my parents had to budget and be very aware of their spending, whereas I witnessed other families spend frivolously and without concern.

And in all honesty, I wouldn't have had it any other way.  I cherish and value the way I was raised so very much and I do not a "money hungry" spirit.  I feel lucky to know that my true source of happiness comes from spending time with the ones I love and enjoying life as is, without the "glitz and glamour." 

Where exactly am I going with this?  Well, I am a true believer that being rich doesn't make you happy, and I believe that true wealth is the company (such as family & friends) that you are blessed to share your life with.  BUT, there is some faults in this "money doesn't buy happiness" talk.

For example, I am extremely lucky with my family and friends in my life... but I wish I could make some purchases in life without having to check my bank account to make sure there is enough money there.  What makes me happy?  Besides family and friends...

Animals -  Ever since I was a wee one animals were my "calling" (I guess you could say)... and let it be known that animals are not cheap by any means... First you have to buy the animal + all of the starting supplies.  And I am not limiting myself to dogs and cats... I want goats and a cow and a horse.  Which in turn means I need property, which is not easily achieved on a single person's income.

Camping -  Paying for provincial campsites are not cheap if you chose to go that route - neither is all the food supplies, gas to travel there, ferry perhaps, and gear, etc.

Health - Being healthy makes me happy... being healthy is not cheap. Compromising your health to stay financially afloat is quite sad.  Obviously there are ways to achieve being healthy on a budget (which I will blog about at one point or another) but the point here is that gym memberships, organic foods, etc. do not come as cheap as the alternative... no gym, and unhealthy eating.  And we wonder why the States has obesity and "poverty" as their big issues...

Less Stress - Being as stress-free as possible makes me happy (especially for someone like myself who has lived with anxiety issues for the last almost 10 years), but my finances are always keeping me pretty wound up.  Not living paycheck to paycheck makes me happy, being able to enjoy my life comfortably.  Buy yourself a treat here and there without feeling such guilt with the swipe or your debit card.  Being able to save for my future would make me happy, and feel good.

Career - It would be amazing to make a decision about my education/professional future without the burden of finances dictating my decision. This encompasses the pay out for the education, the sacrifice of full-time wages whilst in school, and choosing a path that is financially rewarding to in-turn pay off the debt you have now just accumulated, whilst still saving for that property.. 

What brought these thoughts on?  Well this was a bit of a domino effect I suppose.  One financial frustration turned in to this lovely rant.. haha!

I have been looking in to participating in the Ride To Conquer Cancer, which is a 200 km bike ride over two days that starts in Vancouver and goes to Seattle.  As a participant you are required to raise a minimum of $2,500 towards cancer research and/or purchasing advanced equipment for hospitals to assist in treatment etc.  I was very fearful of committing to such a long bike ride, and to fundraising that much money, but I finally built enough up the confidence to pursue this idea.  I was very excited and looking forward to this challenge for so many reasons, but the one thing that is holding me back is money, of course.  Even with this wonderful, charitable cause, I still need to buy the equipment and tools in order to accomplish this goal.  Well, what do you know, road bikes are not cheap, around $1,000 in addition to the fact that you need clips, and shoes, and a trainer stand, and the apparel, and the list goes on.  So this personal challenge for a charitable event is now costing me upward of $1,000 and regardless of what it means to me, I simply do not have the money to afford that, and especially for something that I am not keen on to begin with.  Perhaps if I knew that I would enjoy biking and would become an avid biker the purchase of these items would be easier.  I suppose I will have to save, and keep a close eye on sales/2nd hand purchases and attempt next year.

I just find it to be a true shame that even the financially modest people in life (such as myself) are dictated so much by their income.  And so to a degree, money does buy happiness, and in-turn, money cannot buy happiness.

By the way, when I say financially modest, what I mean is that I am not a "money hungry" person.  I do not wish to have the biggest house, in the nicest neighborhood, with the shiniest car, filling it with premium gas, having a maid clean my ginormous house, whilst I get taught by my very own personal trainer, whilst my personal chef is making me lunch in the other room, and my nanny takes care of my children in the other room, who I buy name brand clothes for all of the time even though they are constantly growing.  
Even if I had the income, that would never be me.


My oh my!
I can't believe I have gone more than a week without posting!  Bad girl, so negligent of me!!  I'm sorry...

What's been occupying all my time you may wonder?

Well, let's see what I got up to this weekend..

Friday I went and stayed with my Dad and we usually like to watch a good ole action or shoot em' up movie together.  Lately it had seemed like we had seen them all so we ended up rolling the dice on one called The Losers, but not having the highest of expectations. 
Well, I'm not going to say it was the best movie ever, but, we sure enjoyed it!  For any movie lovers who like a classic action, with great characters and humor, I would highly suggest this movie!!  Super great!!

Saturday morning I drove to Tofino to have a visit with a lovely friend from way back in high school.  It was quite a lovely visit indeed!  We went for a beautiful beach walk, made a delicious pizza dinner, painted pumpkins, and watched a movie, among having a loooootttt of catching up to do!

Sunday, we went for a bit of a hike, before I hit the room.  Then guess what I did... Watched football, Of course!! 
I didn't do too bad with my picks this week, only 1 point behind the leader!  

I have also been spending a lot of time at the gym.  Going to the gym seems to be the greatest therapy for me.  Physically I am releasing so much stress and anger, mentally I am gaining a lot of endorphins to keep my positive attitude in check, and emotionally it keeps me strong and resilient. 

Lately my gym routine has been a solid hour and 15 minutes.  I like to start with 15 minutes of cardio on the elliptical, work on my arms, abs, and legs, followed by 15 minutes on the bike.  Plus, stretching.  It's good to finish your workout with non-static stretching... and feels so good!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as well - I will work at doing a better job of posting on a more regular basis.

Watch for some upcoming posts about my Halloween costume... how exciting!!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy Weekend Folks *

Well, it's Sunday evening now, and I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  I know I did!

Friday night I finished up the work week by hitting the gym for a good, strong work-out (which felt fabulous), then went to watch my brother play hockey.  He is part of a beer league in the city we live in, and I really enjoy going to watch him play!  
Going to his hockey games now, reminds me of when I was a little girl.  My dad used to coach his hockey team, and so my mom and I would always be in the stands cheering them on.  Since I was quite young, one of my favorite parts about going to the games was getting the hot chocolate out of the vending machine because it was extra chocolatey!

Saturday morning I woke up pretty early to attempt my very first spin class!  I was pretty nervous about going because I had never been before, and everyone who I spoke to always said they were very intense!  They were not lying!!  It was certainly an intense work out, but an amazing one!  It was great, low impact cardio, and on top of that we ended up doing a form of push ups and squats while on the spin bike!

After the fabulous work out, I went home and made a protein filled smoothie, and enjoyed catching up with a friend over coffee. 
It was a pretty rainy day, but by mid-afternoon the rain started to clear and I was off to a provincial campground to celebrate my cousins birthday!  It was such a lovely way to enjoy the afternoon.  Being outside, enjoying good company, smelling the campfire smell, eating food cooked on the BBQ... man oh man it was great!
By the evening I was off to visit with my dad, and we cozied in for the night with a fire, and a movie!  Even though the weather had cleared, it was definitely a cold night!

The movie we watched was Redemption, the new Jason Statham movie.  FYI - I am a huge Jason Statham fan!  It was definitely a different film than his usuals, but I still enjoyed it!  If you are going to watch it, be aware that it is not the typical action movie that you may used to be seeing him in!

Sunday was a lovely and relaxing day... Well, when I say relaxing I really just mean lazy, because I was watching football all day and that is not really relaxing... it can be quite stressful!
This year I joined a fantasy football pool (which I`ve never done before) with my brother, sister-in-law, and Dad.  You would think I would have joined a fantasy hockey pool because I know more about hockey and watch more of it.  So, it has been an interesting experience and definitely amps up my interest for football.  All of a sudden I am right in to the games!  I had some magazine time (which I always love!), and cooked a delicious chick pea & quinoa soup for lunches this week...